Born and raised in Lockport, Illinois.Went to St. Dennis School and Church (where I am now also retired).My education continued at Quigley Preparatory Seminary in Chicago and St. Mary Seminary in Baltimore (the first seminary in the U.S and still going).My dad was from Lockport and my mom was from Buffalo, New York.I had a brother and have a sister - both younger.
Ordained May 27, 1967 with 6 other men, I have had 9 parish assignments and 2 education assignments.In 1976, Bishop Blanchette asked me to help with Deaf Ministry.Fr. Berst had asked me a few times.And one day, in Minooka, his TTY appeared at my door.That meant he was passing the bat onto me!
Through the years, in my ministry, I had been involved in these things: Youth Ministry, Liturgy, Religious Education, Teaching, Deaf Ministry, parish shows. I enjoy reading, learning, going to movies/plays/opera.For about 30 years I participated in drama groups and performed on the stages.
In my retirement, I still do Masses, visit the school, do some programs, participate in some programs and help where I can.Deaf Ministry is still a part of my life: Mass signed every Sunday at St. Dennis, every 1st Sunday at St. Isidore in Bloomingdale and every 3rd Sunday at St. Mary Immaculate in Plainfield.Also, I participate in Advents and Lent Confessions in different places. In the deaf, find interpreters at times for funerals, talks, and the events, sometimes interpret myself, and participate in the REACH program (a religion ed. program for the special needs people) at St. Raphael in Naperville. I hope to expand the ministry presence in the Kankakee area.
Deaf Ministry, each year, sponsors a picnic for the deaf in the diocese, a retreat day and some Bible study.The ministry has sponsored 2 men in the MFP (Ministry Formation Program) for the Deaf through Chicago Office for the Deaf.We hope to be sponsoring a few more people.A board has been firmed with representatives from different packs of the diocese to set and monitor some directions for the deaf ministry in the diocese.
I am grateful to the 6 Knight of Columbus Councils who support the works of deaf ministry.Without them, much of what goes on would not happen. Also, much gratitude to the many interpreters in the Diocese who offer their services in many parishes and continue to teach me.